The reality is that small colleges and universities face challenges when it comes to recruiting. Limited cash flow and higher debt make it more difficult to display the merits of their academic programs through content marketing. The most common mistake they make is thinking that they have to behave like a large institution with a significant budget instead of focusing on their core strengths and differentiating themselves from the competition. In reality, there are many opportunities to attract students who can benefit from a specialty college, and a solid plan can help find them.

Here are some ways to promote smaller institutions.
Advance Your Small-Scale Standing

The best place to talk about your school’s advantages is on the homepage of your website. When prospective students land here, they want to get an immediate idea of campus culture, and the benefits that you can provide. Smaller campuses can be very desirable, so own who you are on one of the first places they will land.

Enhance your Flexibility

Universities often function more like big corporations, with the same kind of hierarchy. Smaller colleges have something to brag about when it comes to recognizing the voice of the student. One of the most exceptional marketing tools any school can have is to tell prospective students they have a voice and a say in how things run on campus. Nothing can be more motivating than to know your input is valued at every level.

Make a Big Deal About Your Campus

Sometimes small schools get a bad rap; often portrayed as not being tech savvy or having the same resources as a large university, when in fact that is just not true. Most smaller Colleges offer the same level of technology and learning opportunities as their larger counterparts while providing a more individual and personalized learning experience. Effective student interaction with instructors, class size, possibilities for participation, and peer opportunities are all things that help you become vested in the school community and must be a part of your content strategy always.


Content Marketing and a strong social strategy can help you compete without a large university budget. Consistent branding and well-timed campaigns are sure to yield an increase in inquiries when appropriately implemented giving every college the same opportunities for recruitment.

Cox Printers & Digital Media has been providing services to Colleges and University for over 20 years.

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